Zhen De Shou Review

Zhen De Shou is a fat burner by boosting thermogenesis and an appetite suppressant. It is supposedly manufactured by Magic Potions, a company based in the Philippines. We went to the Magic Potions Facebook page and website; we found no Zhen de Shou listed as one of their products. At the onset, our inability to know the company who manufactures this product is disturbing. Some websites claim to ship from Hong Kong, which further adds to the confusion.

Another Disturbing Fact

Another disturbing report that we found out was that the U.S. Government, through the FDA, recently took action after the ingredient, sibutramine was found in Zhen de Shou. Sibutramine is frequently used to treat cases of obesity. However, there have been cases of high blood pressure and an irregular heart rate for those who used sibutramine. It can also cause other symptoms like constipation, headaches, inability to sleep, and body pains. Sibutramine is a drug that is ordinarily purchased with a prescription. So to find this ingredient in an over-the-counter supplement should be a major concern for all of us.

Zhen De Shou Is TOO RISKY

We strongly recommend that you do not purchase Zhen De Shou. This weight loss supplement is too shrouded in mystery and wrongdoings. It makes it too much of a risk. It may have specific ingredients that are known to provide us with health benefits but remember; it only takes a small germ to spoil a good meal. So if you ask us, should you buy this? No, you Zhen de Should not! (I like this play with words. Don’t criticize me.)

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Zhen De Shou
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2018-06-18T15:53:00+00:00 0 Comments

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