The Best Appetite Suppressants – What Really Stops You Feeling Hungry?

Have you ever considered using appetite suppressants to curb your appetite?

The biggest problem many people have when it comes to losing weight is the hunger that builds up inside them.

Before you know that diet you’ve been working so hard on for the past week has gone out the window and you’re back to square one.

Wouldn’t it be good if you just didn’t feel hungry?

Well that’s where appetite suppressants come in and this is what we’re going to be talking about today.

So without furthar ado, here is everything you need to know about suppressing your appetite!

What Are Appetite Suppressants?

An appetite suppressant is a term that is commonly used for medications or other items that will reduce your appetite and help with overall weight loss.

Appetite suppression is achieved through both natural foods as well as pills and they all have their pros and cons.

The major reason for the use of appetite suppressants is in hopes of quickly shedding some weight that may be impeding the quality of your life.

Usually those who take appetite suppressants have a desperate need to control their appetite.

Appetite suppressants are essentially used to make your feel full and not think about food.

How Do Appetite Suppressants Work?

Appetite suppressants can work in a myriad of ways.

Most natural appetite suppressants simply simulate a feeling of fullness or satiety in the stomach which the brain understands as a signal to not eat anymore.

However most of the appetite suppressants available for sale today don’t deal directly with the stomach.

They deal with hormones, the central nervous system, and the brain and simply stimulate the feeling of satiety.

These suppressants are quick acting and quite effective in making you feel full however there are many negative effects that come with taking stimulants.

Other pills that are available contain extracts of several natural products that claim to fill up the stomach quickly and provide a feeling of satiety.

Therefore it is important to understand the different types of appetite suppressants available for you and determine which would work best for you.

Should You Take Appetite Suppressants?

This is a tricky question simply because of the many physiological and psychological issues attached to it.

Most obese or near-obese people have become very attached to food and have a hard time sticking to diets.

They are in constant need of supervision or stern discipline that will set them straight if they stray from a controlled healthy diet.

Therefore having some substance that will curb your appetite even to a lesser degree would be a great help.

However the success of taking such a substance is highly dependent on the success of your current diet and you actually sticking to a physical routine.

An appetite suppressant can help you lose weight by eating less but to really see life changing results you need to eat right and exercise too.

Others who would require appetite suppressants would be athletes or in rare cases models who need to stick to a specific weight in order to perform optimally at their jobs.

Most of you reading this article are dealing with weight issues and eating problems therefore it would not be a bad idea to take an appetite suppressant and see how it works for you.

There are many of them for sale and we have listed the top rated ones at the top of this page!


A Short History of Appetite Suppressants

People have long since known that diet is the main culprit of weight gain and that reducing your calorie intake is essential for weight loss.

Over the years scientists and dieticians have discovered many forms of appetite suppressants that are potent and fast acting.

In the early 1930s with the advancement of chemical research and industrialization a host of new appetite suppressants and were stimulants came to fruition.

The Germans were one of the first people to use a stimulant called “amphetamines”.

They were issued to every German soldier to combat fatigue.

But soldiers soon realized that the drug was effective in combating starvation as well.

Amphetamines were soon issued to the public and were in wide consumption in the Western hemisphere until 1950s when they were banned due to unregulated use leading to many deaths and critical medical conditions.

Modern appetite suppressants are much more regulated but still must be used with caution.

We hope that by reading this article you can make better informed choices.

Types of Appetite Suppressants

Natural Appetite Suppressants

Natural appetite suppressants can be simply termed as food or drinks that curb your appetite to a noticeable degree.

Most of these food items are non-stimulants but there are some stimulants naturally available such as those containing caffeine.

We’ve listed several natural suppressants and scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness below.


Water is one of the most effective appetite suppressants due to the fact that it fills an empty space.

Water doesn’t have any calories and doesn’t have any stimulant effects on the body!

Therefore it is quite possibly the most healthy and least consequential thing that you can use to curb your appetite.

Studies have actually shown that taking 2 glasses of water a few minutes before a meal can reduce food consumption by up to to 90 calories per meal!

90 calories over 3 meals every 7 days is 1890 calories.

However you must take care to not drink too much water because it can lead to bloating and discomfort and can dilute your stomach acids preventing proper digestion.


Oats are quite simply a miracle food.

They contain a ridiculous amount of dietary fiber in them as well as a lot of protein.

Due to the high amount of dietary fiber (11.6 g per 100 g) they fill up your stomach quickly and make digestion easier.

Also they have a low caloric profile (389 kcal per 100 g).

Therefore oats should definitely be consumed by people who are struggling with weight loss because it definitely helps to fill you up quickly with a small bowl.


Remember to drink your coffee with as little sugar as possible.

Sugar is the waist killer that you should definitely fear.

Coffee contains caffeine which is a natural stimulant and has been shown to aid in fat loss by increasing the metabolic rate of the body.

However you should be careful when taking coffee or any similar product that contains caffeine such as green tea or caffeine anhydrous.

Excessive amounts of caffeine can cause jitters, nausea, constipation, and fatigue so don’t drink too much and don’t drink it after 2pm.


Eggs are a premium source of protein.

A large egg can contain up to 6g of protein and packs only 78 calories.

Because of the healthy fats present in an egg those who consume eggs for breakfast generally feel fuller when lunch approaches.

This was shown in a study conducted on 30 obese women.


Avocado’s are rich in good healthy fats as well as dietary fiber.

One piece of avocado contains nearly 10 g of dietary fiber for only 228 calories which is a great deal when you look at it in terms of food such as bread and burgers.

Avocado are used by fitness experts to replenish themselves after workouts and to limit their food intake because they feel full after only one piece of the fruit.

They are also a staple of the ketogenic diet.

Prescription Appetite Suppressants

There are several medications designed for weight loss that are approved by the FDA for administration only under medical supervision.

These are diagnosed by medical professionals only under circumstances where the patient is in severe requirement of them.

Only in cases where the BMI exceeds 30 or 27 (in some cases) will a doctor prescribe the following medications for long term use.

Orlistat [Trade name: Xenical]

Orlistat is the only prescription weight loss medication that is approved for use by children between the ages 12-18.

Almost all other medication are manufactured for consumption by adults.

It acts as a lipase inhibitor that prevents the absorption of fats from the diet.

It’s intended to be taken with a low fat and low calorie diet.

Orlistat has been shown to demonstrate modest weight loss when taken in prescribed quantities (2-3 kg more weight loss per year when compared to a placebo).

It has also being shown to lower blood pressure and prevent onset of type-2 diabetes.

Side effects for orlistat includes steatorrhea (passing of oily stools), flatulence, frequent uncomfortable bowel movements, and involuntary loss of bowel control.

However these effects appear to wear off with time.

Also due to the fat absorption inhibition effect of the drug, fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, K and beta-carotine are not absorbed with food.

Therefore these must be taken externally.

Lorcaserin [Trade name: Belvia]

It’s a prescription weight loss supplement that reduces appetite by activating a type of serotonin receptor known as 5-HT2C receptor in the hypothalamus of the brain.

This stimulation gives the feeling of satiety.

The medication has been clinically proven to work in comparison to placebos.

Lorcaserin is highly effective in targeting the 5-HT2c receptor compared to other drugs.

Side effects include headache, upper respiratory tract infection, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, and nausea.

At excessive doses lorcaserin can demonstrate hallucinogenic and psychiatric effects to the patient.

Phentermine-Topiramate [Trade name: Qsymia]

Qsymia is a popular prescription weight loss medication for which the exact mechanism of action is unknown.

Phentermine-Topiramate is a drug combination of 2 popular weight loss agents that have been shown to provide positive results when used together.

Phentermine is a sympathomimetic amine acts as an appetite suppressant and stimulant.

Topiramate is an anticonvulsant that has weight loss side effects.

Side effects for this drug includes paresthesia, dizziness, dysgenusia (altered taste), insomnia, constipation, and dry mouth.

The manufacturer of Qsymia has warned consumers regarding the following effects of the drug increased heart rate, suicidal behavior, glaucoma, and mood and sleep disorders.

Bupropion-Naltrexone [Trade name: Contrave]

This is another combination drug for weight loss. It has been shown to have some proven effectiveness in weight loss and appetite suppression.

Bupropion acts as a norepinephrine dopamine reuptake inhibitor.

Side effects for bupropion includes risk for epileptic seizures and hypertension.

With even a moderate overdose, there have been reports of hallucinations, loss of consciousness, and abnormal heart rhythms.

Naltrexone has side effects including sleeping trouble, anxiety, nausea, and headaches.

Other FDA approved appetite suppressant medications include;

  • Liraglutide (marketed as saxenda)
  • Benzphetamine
  • Diethylpropion
  • Phendimetrazine.
  • Benzphetamine

Diethylpropion and phendimetrazine are not approved by the FDA for long term use (greater than 12 weeks).

Therefore they cannot be termed as certain solutions for morbid obesity.

There are some factors that you should consider when getting a prescription for these medications.

The first is that you should keep in regular contact with your physician and must be in constant alert for side effects that may arise from your medication.

These drugs have been linked with a number of side effects which can occasion be life threatening.

It must also be considered that weight loss medication will usually be prescribed with a calorie deficit meal plan as well as a fixed physical exercise schedule that you must stick to in order to see continuous results.

Also physicians generally prescribe these medications for an initial period of 12 weeks with the expectations of 5% weight loss during that time span.

So a 200lb man should expect to lose close to 10 lb during these 12 weeks.

If these expectations are not met then the physician would probably review the effectiveness of the medication and the diet plan that has been put together.

Therefore when you are going for prescription appetite suppressants it’s important that you are serious about sticking to your diet and exercise plan and the advice of your physician.

Otherwise even a small overdose can result in serious medical complications.

Over The Counter Appetite Suppressants

Over the counter appetite suppressants are those that you can get from a pharmacist or a grocery store without the requirement of producing a physician’s prescription.

A medication that’s termed as over the counter isn’t directly regulated by the FDA and does not have to be clinically proven in any sort of way.

As long as the product does not contain any banned substance or controlled category substances by the FDA it is available for public consumption.

Over the counter appetite suppressants (OTC) can contain both stimulants and non-stimulants.

We will take a look at several ingredients that are included in OTC appetite suppressants.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is a tropical plant whose fruit extract contains a significant amount of hydrocytric acid (HCA).

HCA has long been associated with increasing serotonin level in the body leading to satiety that can lead to long term weight loss.

Garcinia cambogia has been a popular appetite suppressant since the 1990s but the concerning thing about Garcinia is that clinical studies have not indicated any appetite suppression effect for it.

At least 10 scientific studies have been conducted on the weight loss properties of Garcinia and HCA but none of them have shown any positive correlation between the dosage and effective weight loss.

However there are some side effects of long term Garcinia cambogia use including liver toxicity effects, nausea, and headaches.

Therefore even though there are a number of products containing Garcinia as a primary or sole active ingredient they should be approached with caution by consumers.

Hoodia Gordonii (Bushman’s hat)

Hoodia is a succulent thorny bush plant from Southern Africa.

Hoodia has been used in indigenous medicine for a long time in its native range.

It has been claimed by many to have appetite suppressant properties as well as antiseptic properties.

It was brought to fame by an internet campaign in the early 2000s.

However the resulting clinical studies on the effectiveness of Hoodia have been inconclusive.

Also there have been some concerns over the side effects on the liver and the difficulty in isolating the compounds that cause these adverse effects.

Hoodia is commonly included as an active ingredient in a number of weight loss supplement but you should be aware of its properties and whether it’s clinically proven to aid in appetite suppression.


Glucomannan is a dietary fiber that is extracted from the root of the konjac plant.

It’s a complex polysaccharide that is claimed by many to aid in appetite suppression.

Common directions for use indicate that glucomannan supplements be consumed with at least 2 glasses of water 30 minutes before a meal.

Those who advocate glucomannan claim that it forms a gelatinous layer in the stomach that expands with water absorption resulting in a lower gastric volume for food.

This would mean that you will feel full quicker with a small amount of food.

However clinical studies performed on glucomannan have been inconclusive on its appetite suppressant properties.

Usual side effects associated with glucomannan include bloatedness, flatulence, and general feeling of discomfort.

Caffeine (Products such as green tea extract, caffeine anhydrous, coffee bean extract, and guarana)

Caffeine is one of the oldest and most well-known stimulants known to man.

Caffeine is also known to suppress appetite to a certain degree and this has been shown in a number of clinical studies.

Also caffeine has been shown to increase the metabolic rate of the body and increase fat loss.

Nearly all appetite suppressants that don’t feature a single active ingredient have caffeine as an ingredient.

There are a number of sources for caffeine such as green tea, coffee plant, kola plant, and guarana.

However caffeine is a very strong stimulant that can be a bit of a concern in higher doses.

When taken above the daily recommended dosage different symptoms such as nausea, constipation, fatigue, loss of concentration, and dehydration.

Therefore it’s advisable to consume caffeine in moderate amounts and always to look at the ingredient amounts in the back of your appetite suppressant product.

Rapberry ketones and bitter orange

Bitter orange is a citrus plant that is native to South East Asia.

It is claimed to have weight loss and appetite suppressant properties.

It contains the stimulant known as synephrine.

Synephrine has been noted to have chemical similarities to ephedrine.

Ephedrine has been banned as a supplement by the FDA and several other US federal agencies.

Manufacturers have been substituting synephrine for ephedrine since the latter had been banned.

Synephrine poses some risks for those with cardiac and respiratory problems.

Bitter orange has been clinically studied and the results are inconclusive on whether it has measurable weight loss benefits.

Raspberry ketones are extracts from raspberries that are claimed by many to antioxidant properties as well as appetite suppressant properties.

However clinical studies performed on raspberry ketones have not been conclusive on its weight loss abilities.


Chromium is an essential element for the proper functioning of the body’s metabolism.

Chromium improves blood sugar control and insulin action.

It also lowers appetite.

Chromium is generally supplemented through the food that we usually take in, but some people can have small deficiencies.

An increase in the level of chromium in the body has been related to fullness and increasing the metabolic rate.

Caralluma Fimbriata

Caralluma fimbriata is a cactus-like plant found in the Indian subcontinent, the Arabian Peninsula, and northern Africa.

It acts in a similar manner to glucomannan and is generally noted by physicians as being safe for use.

However clinical studies on its appetite suppressing properties have been inconclusive.

It’s generally noted as being quite unreactive regarding side effects

There are a number of both stimulant and non-stimulant products available on the market that are available over the counter.

We’ve listed several of the top products at the top of this page as rated by real users and experts.


Fentermina is an appetite suppressant that is marketed and manufactured by Gate Pharmaceuticals.

It contains a non-prescription amount of phentermine which we described previously.

Small doses are granted as over the counter by the FDA.

It acts similar to amphetamines and should not be used by those having substance abuse issues.

Some user reviews for the product have listed that side effects such as heart arrhythmia, tachycardia, and hypertension can be experienced with long term use of the product.


Redotex is an appetite suppressant that is quite controversial since it include norpseudoephedrine which is a close relative to ephedrine which has been noted as a potent anorectic agent.

It has been noted by many users as delivering actual weight loss results however these are associated with a number of side effects such as vomiting, constipation, muscle twitching, and restlessness.

Appetite Suppressant FAQs

Samantha from the CMAC Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center asks – How Long Do Appetite Suppressants Last?

Hi my name is Samantha from the CMAC Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center and I would like to know how long these appetite suppressants last.

Answer: It depends on what supplement you take. Most of them last around 4-6 hours.

The Pros and Cons of using an Appetite Suppressant

Whether you are using a natural or artificial appetite suppressant or a stimulant or non-stimulant the purpose of an appetite suppressant remains the same.

You simply want to eat less and feel less hungry.

Therefore an appetite suppressant will help.

However if you don’t have a degree of mental control over your appetite it’s more likely that the effects of the drug will not be felt.

Therefore it’s important that you stick to a proper meal plan regardless of the type of drug that you will use.

This is why prescription anorectics or appetite suppressants are issued by physicians with a calorie deficient meal plan that is low on sugar.

So that even if the appetite suppressant does not have the desired effect, the diet will lead to weight loss.

While an appetite suppressant can definitely help reduce the amount of food that you consume they are not suitable for use beyond a period of 12 weeks.

Therefore after the term of the drug is over there is a risk for you to start eating beyond the advisable amounts again.

This has been noted in many obese people where they have gained back their original weight within a month after stopping taking appetite suppressants.

Therefore you should definitely look into maintaining your meal plans and exercise to keep your weight in check.

Tips To Curb Your Appetite..

The first thing that you can do is to drink a lot of water.

Water is one of the most essential and beneficial substances known to man.

If 2 glasses of water can be consumed before a meal you will definitely eat less food.

Also creating a meal plan (it’s better to consult a professional nutritionist) and sticking to it would be most beneficial since you will have to restrict yourself throughout the day which will definitely lead to weight loss.

Another good tip would be to eat foods rich in dietary fiber since they fill up the stomach quickly as well as ease digestion.

Another thing you can do is to exercise regularly.

All of these actions together with a proper appetite suppressant (over the counter or not) will definitely help you reduce appetite and lose weight.

Final Thoughts About Appetite Suppressants..

Appetite suppressants are a proven effective when it comes to helping you lose weight.

It’s better to look at them not as something to take and simply lose weight but something you can use as a helping hand on your weight loss journey.

Weight loss becomes so much easier when you’re not so hungry all the time!

Don’t forget to checkout the top user rated appetite suppressants at the top of this page.




2018-06-12T07:35:12+00:00 1 Comment

One Comment

  1. Julie March 14, 2018 at 11:32 am - Reply

    I think I need an appetite suppresants as I can’t stop eating!! Thanks for the helpful article.

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