Ingredients and Scientific Studies
The major single ingredient for the product is Garcinia Cambogia. Garcinia Cambogia is a tropical plant whose fruit extract contains HCA. This chemical is claimed by many to increase base metabolism in the body resulting in fat breakdown and weight loss. However, actual scientific studies done on HCA and Garcinia Cambogia have not shown any measurable impact it has on weight loss. No clinical studies have been conducted on the product itself.
The recommended dosage for the product is 2-3 pills per day.
Effectiveness and Noted Side Effects
The effectiveness of Garcinia Cambogia and HCA as weight loss agents have been disputed by science since the 1990’s. Actually studies performed on HCA have shown that long term use can have severe consequences in terms of liver toxicity. Some of the side effects of HCA include dizziness, nausea, headaches, and stomach complications.
The manufacturer has not listed price for a month’s supply of the product. However a 14-day trial costs $4.95.
Conclusion of Instaslim Garcinia
In conclusion we would advise you to stay away from a product that uses a single active ingredient for weight loss, especially when the product has not been shown in clinical studies to be efficient in that manner. We adviseĀ you to go for a product that uses proven ingredients for weight loss and has no severe long term side effects.

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